Do you hate the e-promo?

My monthly email card is going out soon to my list of 7500 photo buyers. Between design, list management and email services, this gets expensive and time consuming.
The key to e-promos, as every photo rep will tell you, is consistency: Hammer the buyers with your name and a image relentlessly for a couple years and you will build brand recognition, or at least bug the hell out of them. Either way, you’ll get noticed. And it does work. I don’t hate it, but let’s be honest here – it’s just so much spam.
Life is short, and creative people would rather not spend it wading through hundreds of e-promos. True, the best get noticed, but the delivery medium is so constraining for both sides, don’t you think?
Today there are so many better ways to connect on a more natural, and potentially personal level. So, I’m trying something new with this month’s e-Promo. If the recipient follows me on Twitter, I take them off the e-Promo list.
Holy blackmail Batman. This could very, very well blow up in your face. “Follow me or I’ll spam you to death” Rut ro.
Fair enough, Tom, but these are folks on my regular consented mailing list. They can unsubscribe at any time but have chosen to accept my periodic promos (along with many others from Agency Access). So, not spam, not blackmail. Just offering a friendly alternative.
I should also mention that only a couple have decided to follow me instead of receiving ePromos. Too much trouble to sign onto Twitter? Maybe the ePromos are not as hated as I thought…