Westcott Parabolic Umbrella, A Wedding on the Coast

This April I photographed the wedding of my friends Jennifer and Daniel Luke. Photos on the beach, a lowcountry boil and cervesas at the tiki bar, and an elegant ceremony on Hilton Head Island.    ...

Gear Review: Lowepro S&F Series

Since 1998 Lowepro has had a belt-and-vest modular carrying system for photojournalists and event photographers who needed hands-free and minimalist access to their gear in dynamic environments. With your lenses and everything strapped to you instead of in a shoulder bag, you can actually carry more stuff for longer periods ...

A Dark Corner, Briefly Illuminated

The University of Tennessee in Knoxville is hosting an exhibit of my work all this month (November 2011). The exhibit, produced for the Visual Arts Committee, is titled "The Dark Art of Climbing Photography". UT let me pick the theme of the exhibit so I thought this would ...

The Beta #12: Alabama Spring

Tyler Willcutt is a hard climber and hardworking climbers advocate from Alabama. His group The ACTION Fund is dedicated to cleaning up and replacing the old decrepit bolts and hangers littering the perfect sandstone of the Southeast US. If you've been climbing long enough, you know what I am talking ...

Mo Better Beta

Speaking of The Beta, here are the next two episodes of The Beta for 2011 if you haven't seen them yet. Again, this series highlights the climbing and climbers of the South, for the Triple Crown Bouldering Series, a world-class three-month long climbing competition ...

The Beta Collection

The first two years of my video series The Beta, which chronicles the climbs and characters of the South for the Triple Crown Bouldering Series, is now available as a FREE HD download exclusively at iClimb.com. Historic stuff. ...

New Work, New Website

New work and another iteration by the folks at Livebooks. A slight hit in load speed means images scale to any size. Natch. Let me know what you think.

The Dark Art of Climbing Photography

The University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN will be hosting a month-long show of my work, called The Dark Art of Climbing Photography from November 1-30 at the Concourse Gallery. More HERE ...

A Fine Line – The Film

  Announcing A FINE LINE, a new feature-length climbing film by Andrew Kornylak and Josh Fowler and produced by Dead Point Media. Featuring Dave Graham, Daniel Woods, Jimmy Webb, Brion Voges, Peter ...

Red Bull, New Film and Other News

WTF? If you are wondering that about me, then I thank you, oh loyal follower of TBM and I apologize for the dry spell. I've been busy this summer with assignments, for National Geographic TV, Atlanta Magazine, Inc, Climbing, AARP, Siemens, Garden & Gun, Tifosi, Red Bull and a bunch of ...

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