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A FINE LINE – Now available on Vimeo

We've just released our bouldering film A FINE LINE on Vimeo ON DEMAND! You can rent or own the film here:    

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Socks on their hands, no belt, roller skates.

 A Few Portraits from The Stone Fort, Tennessee. October 12 2012:

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On the Warpath

This article I wrote about our time in Idaho while Josh Fowler and I shot our film A Fine Line originally appeared in the June/August 2011 issue of (the now-defunct) Deadpoint Magazine. The working title of the film ...

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The Tribe

My latest work for the Triple Crown Bouldering Series and prAna. A Short film called The Tribe, that traces the Crown back to its roots in the tight-knit climbing community of Boone, North Carolina. Shot on the Sony F3 with Nikon lenses. Lots of handheld work here. Plus some GoPro footage....

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Lisa Rands bouldering in Alabama

Yes, I am still here. Put together some short clips here from a day at Little River Canyon a couple months ago. Gorgeous day, beautiful spot down by the water. There seems to be little consensus on names or grades here but the overhanging face goes at V7 or something ...

View Lisa Rands bouldering in Alabama

Gypsy Boy

Here is another teaser from A FINE LINE Tennessee Climber Jimmy Webb explains how he can spend a whole season working on a climbing objective, come home broke, and still love the "dirtbag" lifestyle of the full-time climber. Boulder, Colorado climber and artist Peter Beal, who narrates much ...

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Holding On, Letting Go

From day one, both child and parent are struggling to become their own person, yet the bond that ties them together is the strongest imaginable. It's a livelong balance between hanging on and letting go. Like climbing in many ways. Kate explains it well in this piece we did for ...

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The Vision of Dave Graham

As part of our new feature climbing film A FINE LINE, co-director Josh Fowler and I spent a week shooting with some of the best boulderers in the world, Daniel Woods, Jimmy Webb, Dave Graham and others in Castle Rocks, Idaho as they tried a landmark climb called Warpath. The ...

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A Dark Corner, Briefly Illuminated

The University of Tennessee in Knoxville is hosting an exhibit of my work all this month (November 2011). The exhibit, produced for the Visual Arts Committee, is titled "The Dark Art of Climbing Photography". UT let me pick the theme of the exhibit so I thought this would ...

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The Beta #12: Alabama Spring

Tyler Willcutt is a hard climber and hardworking climbers advocate from Alabama. His group The ACTION Fund is dedicated to cleaning up and replacing the old decrepit bolts and hangers littering the perfect sandstone of the Southeast US. If you've been climbing long enough, you know what I am talking ...

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