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I am a photographer based in Atlanta, Georgia.

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I have recently been using the new Lowepro Pro Roller x300 bag, for location stuff, studio shooting, and everything in between. It's way more than just a rolling camera bag. It has TSA-approved locks, pimp new wheels and a wider wheelbase for offroad rally, a removable "Reserve Pack" that carries as a backpack (or in case your main chute fails), and an ingenious tripod/light mount at the top of the handle. Yes, a light mount on the handle. Akorn Likes. Check out this video review I did from a recent shoot in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Big thanks to Will Eccleston for video footage and Andy Scott on the assist!

Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: On Location with the Lowepro Pro Roller x300 . TrackBack URL for this entry: http://theblindmonkey.com/darkroom/mt/mt-tb.cgi/27

Michael Clark:

Looks like you are making good use of the new studio space - nice job on this vid. Did you get the new D300s? Or was that the D90 you were shooting with in the video?

(09.01.09 @ 08:32 PM)

Thanks Michael - I was actually shooting the video on the Sony EX1 but we were also using it to shoot my review... so I used the Nikon D5000 for some footage :)

(09.01.09 @ 10:13 PM)
Andy Herbick:

Cool work...really digging the "vids" esp. the still motion work. I'm curious about the stabilizing gadget you're carrying into the woods and then using to shoot the guy bouldering at the end - is it a diy solution or something that's commercially available?

(09.06.09 @ 08:40 AM)

Thanks Andy-

The gadget is a Glidecam, basically a counter-balanced platform that helps keep the camera on a steady trajectory as you are moving. This one is the Glidecam 4000. http://glidecam.com/product-4000-pro.php

(09.07.09 @ 10:47 PM)
Sarah Diebold:

Good stuff, Andy. Great to see your new space, too. Now would you usually carry more gear than your assistant? If so, I'll assist you any time you're working in Cincy. :)

(09.08.09 @ 02:33 PM)
Andy Mann:

Great stuff as usual Andrew! I'm lovin' the new blog!

(09.08.09 @ 03:06 PM)

Great review. Just came across this on the lowerpro site. I have to say that bag is AWESOME. Pricey, but AWESOME.

(09.14.09 @ 12:42 PM)